'Shaivaism'Bold text The significance of Prameswer Sada Shiv (Iswer/ishaan/god)

The true way of Satya Sanatan (true hinduism) is Shaivaism . Shaivaism/Shaiva dharma means the way of sada shiv.The oldest practice of religious believe is Shaiva Dhorma.

In our today's world many believes came gone away many cultures came gone away.But the shaivaism is from the old which is now prese nt in the world as well.if we really explore shaivism it is completely different from other believes like (Shaktism, Navya Vaishnaism,Smartaism,Aryasamaj,Ganapatya Sufism, Shamanism, christanism, buddism, jainism ).

In old eras, there was a unique education system indian sub-continent named Guru-Shisya Education System.They used to place there classes under a tree,bank of any river or in a place of worship.Before start the education the student had to take Guru Diksha (Enrollment/Begining of edulife) and they had to provide something as Fee(Guru-Dakshina).They used to live in guru's home.

Today this system is least practised.Moreover,this system came very Systematicaly like From Guru(Teacher) to Shisya(Student) then another Guru(Teacher) to Shisya(Student) then another Guru(Teacher) to Shisya(Student).That's why it is also called Guru-Shisya Parampara or Guru Parampara. The oldest Guru-Parampara is the MahaPashupat Parampara .Which is a shaiva tradition.This parampara is mentioned in Sanatan Shastras(Religious Books) like Vedas, Puranas, Shruti , Shriti , Agama, tantra, epics like MahaBharata(World's biggest epic) and Shri Rama.

Many Gaudian vaishnava/Navyavaisnava says, "Shiv is curd & Krishna is milk.We can make curd from milk but not milk from curd."Which is totally baseless. let's see what MahaBharata says on it's Seventy nine hundred th chapter:

  Saa ēsa rudrabhaktascha kēśabō rudrasambhabaḥ:।
  Saarbarūpaṁ bhabang gyatā liṅgaorchata prabhum:।।62।
   Means-Who knew Shiva as omnipresent and worshiped his linga, from that  Amorphous form parameswer Shiv (linga) arose  Krishna, the supreme Shiva devotee of Shiva(Paramshaiva) .

@Aniruddha Arnob Aniruddha Arnob (আলাপ) ০৪:৪৭, ২৮ জুন ২০২৪ (ইউটিসি)Aniruddha Arnob